Feature Part 4: What lies ahead for Canada’s deep geological repository?

What lies ahead for the deep geological repository? It was recently announced that the final decision would be made in March 2016 but even if the Liberal Party gives approval, there will still be much planning and agreements to make before construction can begin. Neal Kelly gave further information on what the next steps for the deep geological repository would be.

Support for the DGR… Opposition to the DGR…
·         Believes a deep geological repository would be the safest and most practical way to store nuclear waste. ·         Believes the risk of a nuclear leak is too high to consider building the DGR so close to Lake Huron
·         Has carried out a long and extensive environmental assessment which has been examined and peer-reviewed ·         Has obtained the support from several key figures, including a congressman who represents in Washington DC
·         Is aiming to expand and improve operations in disposing of nuclear waste by storing it underground. ·         Is focused on protecting the great lakes, and the recreation, food and water they provide to local communities.

What do you think about the deep geological repository? Should it be built or not built? Or are you undecided? Cast your thoughts in the comments below and via the poll on Twitter.


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