
This multimedia project was completed as part of a study abroad exchange to Toronto, Canada alongside several additional journalism units. In it I reached out and spoke to various organisations as well as travel north to shoot and film on location.

The goal behind this project is to form a discussion around the proposed construction of a deep geological repository by Ontario Power Generation at the Bruce Nuclear Site. The project has been planned over many years and has received both support and opposition from several different parties and organisations. The recently elected Liberal Party in Canada will also face a decision in 2016 of whether or not to approve the DGR. Even if the project does receive the go-ahead, there are several factors which will need to be considered before construction can begin and this has driven me to produce the website you are currently looking at.

The project will consist of a four part main feature making use of wordpress tools, video interview and photo galleries. It will be broken down as follows…

Part 1: An introduction to Canada’s nuclear disposal debate

To begin the feature, an interactive map showing the location of the proposed repository, alongside a timeline of events in the planning of the facility.

Part 2: Supporting parties for Canada’s nuclear disposal

Focusing on Ontario Power Generation and Mayor Anne Eadie of Kincardine, part two will discuss the benefits of the nuclear station to the surrounding settlements as well as the procedures and research done over the years for the DGR.

Part 3: Opposition to the deep geological repository plan

The third part of the feature will look at the opposite, personified with an interview with Chief Vernon Roote of the Saugeen First Nation aboriginals. The “Stop the great lakes nuclear dump” will also be mentioned and discussed.

Part 4: What lies ahead for Canada’s deep geological repository?

To conclude the feature, the question of whether or not the Liberal Party will approve the deep geological repository will be discussed and readers will be able to cast their vote in a poll.

In addition, there will also be four background blog posts giving additional information on some of the parties involved in the debate while also creating a narrative to the project. The details of these can be found on the background blogs page. I will also aim to create engagement through a Twitter page which will culminate in a final poll alongside comment systems for people to voice their opinion on the DGR project.

I hope you enjoy looking through this website and find it very engaging and informative.

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